A Letter to My Teacher

Dear Teachers,
Hello, I hope you’ve been having an amazing day! I just have a small question about one of our assignments, and was hoping you could help.
Are you aware of what all your students are going through right now? Thank you to those of you that are, but to the rest of you, are you aware we’re struggling to keep up with all the workload you’ve been giving us? Are you aware of how many times my friends have told me they’ve cried because of your class or how many times I have? … More A Letter to My Teacher

10 Teachers in Your School and How to Deal With Them

Some teachers can be extremely hard to deal with, while others may be easier. We’ve come up with a comprehensive list of the different teachers you’re going to have, and different ways how you can approach them and deal with them. … More 10 Teachers in Your School and How to Deal With Them